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Is it important to learn how to self-rescue kiteboarding?
Believe it or not, we have heard this question thousands of times across the globe. The question is popular amongst students and/or riders who have not learned with a certified Instructor.
The questions and debates of whether you should learn the safety side of kiteboarding, follow the right of way rules, amongst other topics are not uncommon. It is actually great to ask questions and start debates as these are some of the best ways to attaining insight and knowledge.
Depending where you are learning or riding in the world you will encounter different variables. The wind, the landscape, the equipment, the Instructor you find amongst other variables change. Established principles do not change. A standardized way of teaching helps maintain the final outcome of a course, to become independent. The idea of taking a kiteboarding course is not only to get up and riding. The point is to learn the theoretical, practical and safety side of kiteboarding to become an independent kiteboarder.
What is an independent kiteboarder? An independent kiteboarder is someone who is self-sufficient that can adapt to any given situation in any given spot or weather conditions. They can get on and off the water and handle themselves in any situation that might arise. They have a solid foundation and understanding that can help them push any direction of the sport they decide.
So is it important to learn how to self-rescue kiteboarding? The answer is yes! Learning to self-rescue is one of the many important skills to becoming a confident independent kiteboarder. Learning the theoretical, practical and safety side of the sport is part of any IKO Course someone would take, no matter where in the world.
Do you feel like you are an independent kiteboarder - why or why not? Let us know in the comment section below.