
Member since
16 October, 2020
Kiteboarder Level 3N
Instructor Level 1
Additional Qualifications
Bar Adjustments
Aspect Ratio (AR)
ATC eLearning Part 02 - Point of Sail Terminology
ATC eLearning Part 03 - Kite Flight Theory Part 1
Discovery Quiz
The Length of the Lines
Points of Sail Terminology
Wind Window Presentation and Terminology
Weather and Tide
What Went Wrong Here?
Trim Adjustment
Self Rescue and Pack Down
Right of Way
Level Check for Kiters
Induced Wind, Apparent Wind and their Influences on the Wind Window
Basics Principles of Aerodynamics
Intermediate Quiz
Independent Quiz
Advanced Quiz
Instructor Level 2
Control Bar Safety Systems
Stretching for Kiters
Boat Handling Quiz
Coach Level 1: Freeride

Job History

School nameStart dateEnd date
Zanzibar Kite Paradise22/11/2022Till date