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Worldwide Kitesurf Insurance
We’ve got you covered!
Specifically designed for your personal and professional kitesurfing activities, the IKO Insurance Program offers all IKO members peace of mind and covers you in case of unexpected incidents. This master insurance policy is provided by XL Insurance Company SE through the insurance broker Saam/Verspieren Group, two major experts in the field of sports insurance.

Get Covered While You Kite
For students and all kiter levels, the recreational third party liability insurance covers you against claims resulting from injuries and damage to other people and/or their property.

Work With Protection
For Pros from Assistant and Instructors up to Trainers, the professional third party liability insurance covers you against claims for which you are responsible.

Personal Accident Coverage
Compensates you or an assigned beneficiary in the event of disability, rescue or death during your kitesurfing activities.

Kitesurf Events and More Activities Covered
Kitesurf competitions as well as snowkite, stand up paddle, surf, wingfoil and kayak activities are also covered.
Coverage and Amounts

Recreational and Professional Liability
- Maximum limit per claim € 200,000
- Equipment damage excess € 250
Accident (NOT medical coverage)
- Rescue € 8,000
- Disability € 15,000
- Death € 15,000

From 1st June 2020, insurance is included in all memberships.
Your coverage starts when your subscription, renewal or upgrade payment is completed.
FAQ See all
If you are responsible for an accident involving a third party, then you must submit a claim so the insurance company can reimburse the other person.
Yes, you are covered for material damage, subject to an excess of 250 Euros. If a third party files a claim against you for compensation, contact IKO Support to assist you with your claim.
Yes, you can renew or upgrade your plan before the expiry day to get insured.
Medical expenses are not covered under this insurance. You should use your health insurance if you have any. However, if your injury results in permanent partial or total disability as listed in the policy, you may file a claim for compensation.
There is no coverage for medical expenses. You should use your health insurance if you have it.