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What It’s Like to Be a Wingfoil Instructor
An interview with IKO and IWO Examiner Daniele Olivieri
A team of IKO Examiners recently launched the International Wingfoil Organization (IWO) which is dedicated to teaching and training wingfoil enthusiasts and instructors.
We met up with IKO and IWO Examiner Daniele Olivieri to learn more about the IWO and find out what it’s like to be a wingfoil instructor.
Daniele has been teaching watersports for more than 20 years and is the founder of KTS Tarifa.
How did you get into wingfoiling?
My first approach with the sport was in spring 2019 when Robby Naish came to Tarifa for a dealer meeting and he inspired me again to learn this great watersport. After that I continued my practice when F-ONE released the first wing gear on the market and had an official test in Mauritius in August 2019. Since then, I’ve continued my progression and had great experiences enjoying the sport.
Tell us about your favorite wingfoil experience.
One of my best wingfoil experiences was in November 2021 in Jericoacoara, Brasil, where I had the opportunity to surf long and clean gentle waves. That day I realized how smooth it is gliding on the foil only by the energy of the wave. Wingfoil is a fusion of different watersports which allows you to get the best out of each one.
Tell us about the IWO. What is its mission and why was it founded?
The IWO was born with the intention of helping and educating the wingfoil community. The idea comes from IKO to share knowledge and experience, to create safety procedures and teaching standards, and to make the sport more accessible.
What’s it like being an IWO Examiner and Instructor?
It’s a unique opportunity to be part of IWO as instructor but also as examiner. In the last two years I have improved my skill as a wing instructor and now, combined with my experience as wing rider and examiner, I share all my passion and knowledge to teach students and new instructors. My greatest satisfaction is seeing how students learn and enjoy their wing lessons and also having the capacity to train future instructors!
What advice would you give to someone thinking about becoming a wingfoil instructor or affiliating their school with the IWO?
If you’re passionate about wingboarding, the IWO gives you the possibility to become a professional instructor with theoretical and practical competence to educate the wing community. The IWO also also affiliates wingfoil schools around the world in order to grow the sport internationally and ensure the quality of teaching and safety standards.
Want to turn your passion for wingfoiling into a career?
Become an IWO Instructor.
The IWO Instructor certification is recognized worldwide, allows you to have your professional skills recognized when you apply for jobs in wingfoil schools and sets you apart from the competition with non-certified instructors.
You can start the IWO Instructor Training Course (ITC) online today.